CIMPLICITY REST API Web Service / CimProjectUser Json Schema
In This Topic
    CimProjectUser Json Schema
    In This Topic
    Fields that need to be specfied for creating a user before enabling rest configuration for project
    Fields that need to be specfied for creating a user before enabling rest configuration for project
    ProjectID : string
    The Id or name of the project.
    ProjectPath : string
    full absolute path to project specified in ProjectID
    User : CimUser
    Fields that describe the user
    AuthenticationType : CimUserType
    Enable : boolean
    set it to true to enable the user.
    PasswordExpiresInDays : number
    password expires in number of configured days.
    Password : string
    Password for the user.
    Resources : Array[string]
    An array of resources that mapped to the user.
    RoleID : string
    The Id of role.
    UserID : string
    The Id of user.
    UserName : string
    The name of user.
    NameDescriptionData Type
    The Id or name of the project.string
    full absolute path to project specified in ProjectIDstring
    Fields that describe the userCimUser
    set it to true to enable the user.boolean
    password expires in number of configured days.number
    Password for the user.string
    An array of resources that mapped to the user.Array[string]
    The Id of role.string
    The Id of user.string
    The name of user.string
    See Also